Women’s History Month

Know Women Empowerment

A concrete, dictionary definition has yet to be set for the term “Women Empowerment”.  The arguments over what this phrase “truly means” has been debated since the 19th century.  In our eyes, Women Empowerment as an individual is a woman being the best she can.  As a society, the goal is to be able to give women the necessary rights and opportunities she deserves. 

Each day, a woman is faced with barriers because of her gender. 

Patriarchy & Sexism

Patriarchy is a common system where the eldest male would hold power in a system.  In these cases, males dominate over the females in power of handling social, political, or economic matters.  This system supports the traditional belief that males can and should hold power over a woman’s life.  

Gender Roles

Traditionally, women have always been seen as a nurturer.  She must be kind, gentle, warm, and support her children, husband, and family system as her duty.  Early marriages would often take place, cutting a woman’s education short and instead binding her to her household.  Even so, men are still often considered to be the head of a family, with property and household name often being associated with the male.

Suppressed Voice

Most government positions in the world are held by men.  In fact, government jobs have been labeled by society as a “male job”, meaning that position is more suitable or fit for males.  It was not up until the last century that women had finally gotten the right to vote.  In some countries, women suffrage is still restricted. 


In many developing countries, poverty is an important aspect to lack of education for children.  In these families, the limited funds will most often than not go towards a boy in that family over the female sibling.  Families often believe that the males will be more productive and be worth the money being spent on them.  Schools in these areas may not meet the hygienic or safety needs of females along with female excluding teaching practices.


Gender based violence disproportionately affects Women and Girls.  At least 35% of all females have experienced some form of physical or seual violence.  Some studies have suggested that this number may be as high as 75%.  Women and Girls make up 71% of ALL Human Trafficking in the world, and these kinds of statistics are only viewed as normal in certain less-developed nations. 


The Importance of Women Empowerment


Black History Month