The Importance of Women Empowerment

Choose Women Empowerment?

The support of women empowerment encourages stronger feelings in women.  Women can come to lead a longer, more productive and fulfilling life when they are given the right opportunities.  Being assertive that a woman can offer the same as a man in the office allows more useful contribution to the workplace.  An empowered woman has independence, more equality in opportunity, and the right and ability to make decisions for herself.

Choose Women Empowerment.

One of the most impactful ways to empower women and girls is through education.  Females with a better education can generally pursue more work and make greater contributions to the economy.  These women are also less likely to be married younger resulting in a healthier family life.  

Closing the wage gap of women and men is also a major aspect to achieve proper women empowerment.  Overall, women earn only about 82% of their male counterparts in wages.  In addition, women accumulate higher debts when pursuing higher education.  This problem is extremely serious for those of minority races.

Amplify women’s voices.  In society, a woman's views are more often overshadowed by their male counterparts than expressed or taken into consideration properly.  Giving credit for ideas and paying attention towards others' thoughts is common courtesy in society, apply it to women.  Not only are female voices overshadowed in everyday life, but even more so in political matters. When women do decide to run for political positions, they are less likely to make it onto the electoral list and sexism prevents them from holding office.  

Next Step

Women’s Marches are often organized in the fight for human rights and various women’s rights.  Find, join, support, or spread the word about one near you.  Contribute financially, whether that be through donations or supporting female-owned businesses.  Helping women overcome financial barriers or business challenges builds empowerment.  Provide emotional support for the women around you, help each other stay motivated against possible backlash in the society. Educating yourself and those around you about sexism and gender inequality.  A problem must be seen for a solution to arise - be aware and make others aware.  


Women in History


Women’s History Month