Self Acceptance

What is self acceptance?

Self acceptance is the acceptance of one’s body, mind, and identity. It is important to accept aspects of ourselves such as our appearance, ethnicity, race, sexuality, and such in order to lead a healthy life. 

Why do people struggle with self acceptance?

The ways in which we see ourselves is shaped by the image of others.

Oftentimes, our views of ourselves are shaped by our childhood. As such, being raised in an environment where you are continuously belittled and shamed makes you unsure of your identity and insecure with yourself.


What happens if we never accept ourselves?

When we can’t approve of ourselves, we seek approval from others. 

This behavior is dangerous because we start to fixate on things we cannot change such as our appearance, race, gender, and sexuality. 

When you’re not honest with yourself, you won’t ever learn what you’re good at, bad at, enjoy, and dislike. 

Why is self acceptance important?

Throughout our lifetime, we live in this body and only this body. Who we are can never change. If we are never satisfied with ourselves, we will never be satisfied with our lives. A miserable, self-loathing person is never happy. If we seek happiness in our lives, we must be happy with ourselves first.

Self acceptance is often seen as necessary for good mental health. When we refuse to accept ourselves, we struggle to create an identity, something that is needed to communicate and form relationships.

How do we learn to accept ourselves?

Think positively!

Ex. Instead of saying, “I failed this test! I’m such a failure,” say, “I did poorly this time, but next time I’ll do better!”

Forgive yourself!

Everyone makes mistakes, but a single mistake doesn’t reflect who you are as a person. You are more than just your weaknesses. 

Reflect on your actions.

Sometimes we just need to take a step back and think about the things we’ve done, accomplished, failed, and experienced. We should take a moment to reflect on how these situations make us feel and whether they are harmful or helpful to us.

Of course, the best way to maintain a stable mental health is to take care of yourself!

Make sure to:

  1. Keep up with your health. Make sure to go to the doctors!

  2. Talk to someone. It is important to be able to have someone to listen to your feelings.

  3. Maintain a balanced diet. Make sure you’re not eating too little or too much.

  4. Get exercise. Maybe take a walk to clear your mind, feel the outdoor air, and look at your surroundings.

  5. Do things that make you happy. Spend time with people who make you happy.


Body Shaming