Russia & Ukraine


February 23, 2022 marked the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war when Russia invaded Ukraine. Prior to the invasion, President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, had placed over 190,000 Russian troops on the border of Ukraine. Warnings installed by American President Biden and the other European leaders cautioned Russia that severe economic sanctions will be placed against them in the case of Invasion. Despite those warnings, Russian calculated that an invasion in stages with military hardware including self-propelled guns, tanks, and infantry fighting vehicles would be worth the risk declared military operations to be deployed against Ukraine. Although negotiation is always ongoing, all prior de-escalation measures taken prior to the crisis have failed to reach an agreement.

Pre-existing Russian Activity 

  • Crimea

Prior to this crisis, Russia had been taking small steps towards invading Ukraine.  In 2014, Russia had invaded Crimea, claiming that they were protecting their interests and its Russian-speaking citizens. The annexation of Crimea successfully established a vital seaport for the Russian navy, granting greater access to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

  • Donetsk and Luhansk regions

Pro-Russians, or separatists, declare their independence.  Skirmishes between Ukrainian and separatist forces had resulted in around 3000 civilian deaths. 

Russian Motive 

In invading Ukraine, Russia may be hoping to restore the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).  Ukraine had formerly been territory of the USSR, and with the Ukrainian military significantly smaller, Russia took its chance at invasion.  

Russia also sees the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO (North American Treaty Organization- a collective security defense or military alliance between two North American countries and twenty eight European countries) as a major threat to Russian security.  Russia claims that Ukraine must be militarized completely and that they must never be granted permission to join NATO. In the case that Ukraine were to join NATO, Russia would be militarily isolated.

Russia and Ukraine pre-invasion

Before the invasion took place, the Kremlin (Russia's executive building of handling foreign affairs), had insisted that they would not invade Ukraine.  Russia stated that the moving of its army into Ukraine’s borders should not be alarming and that Ukraine had been planning to retake the Donbas region.  Overall, Russia pushed the responsibility of rising tensions on Ukraine.  

Ukraine had taken a stand that Russia would not be able to stop them from joining NATO if the capital, Kyiv, wished to.  Ukraine has also expressed that Russia has been looking to unstabilize Ukraine when a coup plot was revealed. 

NATO’s Response and Impact 

The U.S., most of Europe, and NATO have condemned the invasion calling for economic sanctions. It is unclear whether the West will militarily intervene on Ukraine’s behalf – as of February 2022, troops are only sent to NATO countries.  Already, sanctions have been placed against Russian banks, elite, and companies. The Russian economy and stock market has declined following the sanctions. Oil and gas prices have become unstable, and the fear of a prolonged war has sent prices over $100 per barrel. 

In addition to sanctions, other economic disruptions have occurred; including the stopping of production by the company responsible for Nord Stream 2, a gas line that provides natural gas from Russia to Germany. Sanctions are supposed to pressure Russia into leaving Ukraine, but world prices of crude oil have increased. President Biden plans to meet with National Security Council and the G-7 members to plan a response and plans to speak to OPEC nations to address this issue. War has the cost of human lives as well as economic costs to consider. Currently, we have seen more than 100,000 refugees trying to flee the danger in Ukraine.

As of 3/4/22…

Moscow launched invasions from Belarus and Crimea on Thursday, 02/24/22. Military assaults combined with explosions are occuring within key cities of Ukraine, including their capital, Kyiv.  Followers of Russian politics suggest that Putin may want to install a pro-Russian government in Ukraine.  Displaced Ukrainians are resorting to seeking shelter in Metro Stations, with a large number attempting to flee to Poland.  As stock markets have crashed intensely, energy prices are skyrocketing.

Demonstrations across the globe have stood up for Ukraine and demand the withdrawal of Russia troops.  These protests occur even within Russia’s own borders, with protests demanding an end to the conflict in 50 different Russian cities.

There have been over 9,100 deaths confirmed with at least 100 destroyed buildings and more than 1 million displaced.  Putin is placing censorship in place, with bans on social media and multiple reports of taken down articles on the Russian army due to threats.  As of 5:00 pm March 4, 2022, Russia is making advances on the Ukrainian nuclear plant. 


The major ongoing crisis is causing a major civilian crisis leaving people in dire needs of help.  Awareness of the situation is important, stand up and share the news.  Sign a petition, join a rally, get our message across to the government.  Donations are always a way of showing your support!  Provide financial aid to the people of Ukraine through any website accepting donations for Ukraine.


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